13 September 2019

On Building Something

Lately, what keeping me awake at nights are ideas.

I can't remember the last time I was this excited. I always think I don't have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, but well, last year I reached a point when I feel I have to create something. As a form of gratitude. To pay forward all of the blessings I receive.

It's scary, this turning of career direction.

I still have many many doubts. The mindset and attitude still don't comes to me naturally. But I'm learning. I'm learning and moving forward, one step at a time. Sometimes I want to accelerate my learning, to "invest in myself" (which is even scarier than building something). Sometimes I'm afraid of being too slow and too late, of missing things (and timing) out. But then I read this.

@nadiladara shared @johnmayer's IG story
Watch 100 stars be born that aren't you.
Learn to be cool with it.
 *deep breath*
 *another deep breath*

PS: I need partner. A visual artist one. If you're interested or know someone who might be interested, kindly contact me via DM @shnt. Thank youuu :)
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